# of watchers: 6
| D20: 20 |
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Main Characters: Titus Batiatus Paterfamilias Quintus Batiatus Ludus Dominus Lucretia Batiatus Ludus Domina Gannicus current Champion of Capua Oenomaus Doctore Spartacus Crixus | Primary Characters: Ashur Tullius Solonius Varro Dagan | Ilythia Glaber Barca Naevia Melitta Mira |
My Rules are few: Godmoding is only allowed WITH PERMISSION! Check your spelling before submitting your comment. I WILL DELETE IT! no short text; make your responses worth reading. if you are dominus/a or peterfamilias, you command all gladiators and slaves Sex goes onto your own wiki | Members: 1.owner [MadHatress] 2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] 3.[Tis gone but never gone] 4.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife] 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. |
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: ...I guess I'm okay with that. They don't interact much, if at all
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Yeah, both interact more with Lucreita >> Wll. Crixus for only one reason
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: lol yup!
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I'm f'n bored >>
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: well, if people will log on and claim a character... we can start this fucking thing
2011-03-31 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Michelle signed on but had to go to school, as for Hannah...she might still be in that mood, ya know? She's been sick and her life has just sucked so far
2011-03-31 [MadHatress]: don't need to know people's business; I know what's going on. When time is found, they will get on and do what they want/need to do
2011-03-31 [Tis gone but never gone]: I'll be on ep properly on monday when I get back home. But I'll be going on ep on my phone so I'll be slow cause am not fast texter plus my signal might cut out.
2011-04-01 [MadHatress]: it's all good. as long as I know I won't have to kick people out, I'll be okay with a little turtle-action
2011-04-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rikki I just found out that my mates needs me to babysit their kids on Tuesday, so I won't be on until maybe wednesdays. But again I'll try to get on when I can.
2011-04-01 [MadHatress]: lol it's alright
2011-04-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: So urm.... *raises hand* Can I cancel my not wanting to join statement?
2011-04-05 [MadHatress]: if you can handle the RP, sure!
2011-04-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Yay! lol.... Now to think.... ugh, mondays
2011-04-05 [MadHatress]: lol tomorrow will be my monday. I had today off
2011-04-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Lucky... I was at work till two in the morning, then had to go back at nine the same morning
2011-04-05 [MadHatress]: i've done something like that before. worked til 4 and had to go back at 11
2011-04-10 [MadHatress]: have you seen the series or are able to maintain a character's appropriate profile?
2011-04-10 [burn_in_silence]: uhhh seen blood and sand twice through and gods of the arena once through and yah im pretty sure i can keep the charachters appropriate but if u have barvca shouldnt u have petros too
2011-04-12 [MadHatress]: I almost put up a profile for him; but petros had such a small role in the series... all he did was get barca X'd lol
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